These days lead generation from your website is the best way to gain new business, or sell your products and services. But there is no magic here, and if you’re not utilizing the best tools to generate leads from your website, you are just wasting your money. Does this sound like you? Are you looking for a list of the best SMS services for business? We don’t have a list per say, but that’s just because we know we’d be at the top of that list!

At SYNCRO web chat we offer you the best ways to generate quality leads from your website using our online chat tool, and all the other products it includes. Before we started SYNCRO we had been, and still are, in the internet marketing business. With over 20 years of experience we understand how important generating leads from your website is, and best of all, we know how to make it happen. With that knowledge in mind, SYNCRO was born.

best SMS services for business,online chat tool,online chat software

Let’s take a look back at what the lead generation trends have been in the industry: Email links, basic contact forms, and basic PC to PC chat tools. While these techniques are still being used today, they’re just not enough anymore.

Contact forms still work great, but only if you’re paying attention to the leads coming in, and are actually following through with them. The problem with relying on this method alone, is the user is always left waiting for the owner to eventually respond.

PC to PC online chat tools can also work… if the owner wants to spend their own time, or hire someone to spend time on the website all day and night, waiting to reply to a chat request.

best SMS services for business,online chat tool,online chat software

This is where SYNCRO comes in. We have used our years of experience and knowledge of the industry to give you the best SMS services for business. Our website chat software allows you to receive and respond to chat requests from your website right on your cell phone! Whether you are out for lunch, on the road (don’t text and drive), or just taking a day off from the office, you will always be available to chat with a customer without having to sit in front of your computer.

Given how powerful SYNCRO’s online chat software is, we could just stop at the chat tool and let everyone reap the rewards, but that’s not how we roll. We have built in many features into SYNCRO, and if you click on each one below, you can get a detailed breakdown of how they work.

SYNCRO includes an additional “Text Me Tab” so that if you’re unable to chat, the user can still send you a test. We also have our “Chat Trigger,” so if you’re away from the phone or driving, a custom automated message will pop-up on your behalf. But if you don’t want a robot speaking for you, you can also use our “Chat Rollover” feature that rolls the chat over to another person, if you cannot respond yourself.

We also include a contact form that you can add to your website that we call a “PowerForm.” You can embed a contact form directly into your website in minutes, and it is tied to your SYNCRO account, so all the leads coming from your website, including the online chat tool, are stored in the same place.

This is just a brief summary on a few of the ways SYNCRO can increase the lead generation from your website. So put away that list of best SMS services for business, because you have now found the best one. Give us a call to try out the one and only SYNCRO, FREE for 7 days!
