Combine the best live chat software with real estate data and start converting those leads.
We made the best live chat software specifically with real estate agents busy lives in mind. We get it, real estate agents are on the go – period. If you’re an agent moving mountains, closing deals, and have 0 time to think about technology, then SYNCRO was made for you.
Chat requests from your real estate website come in via SMS to your phone, so all you have to do is respond to your lead with a quick text. Consequently, if you can’t get to the chat right away, then our AI can handle the initial request. An automatic response from our system will engage the lead and send it to you for follow-up later. Client is happy, you’re happy and business gets done efficiently.
SYNCRO was built for the real estate vertical. Firstly, to adapt to the unique way agents do business when they’re offline. Ultimately, we knew we could help agents become more productive, stay human and close more of those online leads – simply by encouraging uber responsiveness.
Stop outsourcing your chats. Please!
Most chat software allow the user to initiate a conversation with a realtor in real time. The difference is, that most other chat apps encourage the agent to outsource these chats. The largest problem we see with this method is that outsourcing means that your operator is not local. If your operator is not local, then chances are high they don’t know the local market. If they don’t know the local market, don’t know the neighbourhoods, have limited knowledge about the properties listed – then may we ask how you expect this to end well? Spoiler alert: it ends with a frustrated customer who goes somewhere else for the real answers! We know that outsourcing chats won’t likely result in a sale. It’s as simple as this. Customers want to talk to the horses mouth -not the alternative 😉 As a result, using a chat app that sends a direct message via text from your website to your mobile phone, improves your chances of meaningful conversions!
RE Brokerages Can Finally Play the Fair Card!
SYNCRO for real estate works whether you’re a solo agent, or part of a team. It works incredibly well if you’re a large banner or brokerage because we can embed it in your company portal and tie directly into your MLS data! This will connect leads immediately to the listing agent via SMS text messaging. So, if you’re looking for the best live chat software for your brokerages real estate website, then look no further!
Basically, you never have to hear the words, “That’s not fair”, uttered by your agents ever again.
Leads from your brokerage website go directly to the listing agent. That’s settled. You’re welcome.